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T-Paw takes the lead! Well… someplace

Written By bross on Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 8:26 AM

As we all know by now, GOP presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty has been struggling in the polls and scrambling to keep up in the fundraising race. He’s also been stacking his chips pretty heavily in Iowa in advance of the upcoming Ames straw poll. He’s been digging in for a while now, and it looks like he may have struck gold… at the Dallas County Fair.

The winner of the Dallas County GOP jar poll at the county fair last weekend:

Tim “T-Paw” Pawlenty.

The GOP organization in Dallas County, a Des Moines suburb and the fastest-growing county in Iowa, did a “put your money where your mouth is” poll at its fair booth in Adel.

Fairgoers were invited to “vote” with money, and the GOP presidential candidate with the most cash by the end of the fair was declared the winner, Dallas County party chairman Rob Taylor said.

The results:
Pawlenty: 70 percent.
Romney: 17 percent.
Cain: 13 percent.

There were no votes cast for anyone else.

The report goes on to a related story saying that four candidates are expected to attend “a five-county event in Tiffin a week before the Ames straw poll.” Those include Santorum, Pawlenty, Gingrich and – most likely – Cain. There was no mention of Bachmann showing up, but as of press time we were unable to get either Cain or Pawlenty to make a joke about it being because of her having a headache. (I kid! I kid!)

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