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Chivers, meet Becki the beer girl (29 Photos)

Written By bross on Saturday, July 2, 2011 | 6:37 AM

After the above photo appeared in last Friday's DAR, I opened my inbox to dozens of emails from beer-loving Chivers wanting to know more about the alluring brewmaster.
Backing up two weeks, I had discovered Becki's blog, bitesnbrews, from a friend of mine who knew I loved beer and hot women. But what struck me about her blog is the passion Becki Kregoski has for good food and beer, she's actually dedicating her life to the craft and it shows.
He blog posts and insightful and ever-changing, today she's in 'Podunkville, USA' on her way to the Breckenridge Brewery, and a couple days ago Becki was on Roman Holiday with her scorching hot cousin eating heirloom prosciutto and drinking Sangria. Basically, her blog is like a road trip that takes the scenic route to somewhere drunk. And that's nice.
I'll let Becki take it from here:
Hey Chivers! I'm Becki, the author/drinker/eater of Bites n Brews. I'm currently studying to be a Certified Beer Server, which will be followed by becoming a Certified Cicerone and eventually (hopefully) a Master Cicerone. Beer is my future!
After a horrible experience in college that involved green beer, I didn't touch another beer until three years ago. My brother, a homebrewer for over five years, poured a simple bottle of 1554 from New Belgium Brewing into a snifter, swirled it to open the aroma and handed me the glass. I was a goner. Since then, I've expanded my horizons by drinking any craft brew I can get my hands on. I've tried everything from clean, pure lagers to spicy chili beers to beer made with coffee beans that have been crapped out of weasels. I finally found what I was looking for in homebrewing. My first homebrew was an amber that was oh-so-cleverly named Dos Beckis.
Since that first homebrew, I've joined the Maltose Falcon homebrew club and the Ladies at Ladyface, a group of women that meets once a month at my favorite local brewpub to discuss and learn about beer. A mountain girl at heart, some of my favorite breweries are located in my old home state, Colorado. O'Dell and Equinox are only a couple of the breweries that hold jobs I dream about filling one day.
When I'm not drinking or brewing beer, I'm either creating new recipes (who am I kidding, I'm definitely drinking beer while I cook), traveling across the western states visiting microbreweries and locally owned eateries, exploring abandoned buildings and showing surrealist art. Sporadically, I can be found on set in front of cameras (honestly though, who in California DOESN'T do that).
Thanks for the Bites n Brews love recently, the Chivers are amazingly kind. And with that, CHIVE ON!
And now some of Becki's favorite bites n brews...

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